It is different now, finally

Sean Song
1 min readOct 14, 2020


I have been watching Apple Event for over ten years, yes, I started when Jobs was there. I missed iPhone generation 1, but never miss anything since iPhone 3GS.

It is different now, finally.

I watched the iPhone 12 launch event. I saw Tim Cook and a bunch of Apple executives. I could not memorize any one of them.

Yes, the show was pre-recorded, blame the Covid-19 or not, it is still the Apple show, but it is different.

I see no spark from those Apple guys’ eyes, even Tim Cook.

Do you remember when Jobs was on the show, do you remember when Craig, Bob, Eddy, Scott were on the stage? These people are sparkling by themselves. They knew they are changing the world, they cannot wait to share with you. And now, these people are just reading the script. Eyes are dark and empty.

It is not right or wrong, it is business. It is just different, finally.

I may still buy a new iPhone, but I’m different too.

God bless Apple.



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